Virgin Islands Agency For Restorative Care


The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James
The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James
Compassionate Approach

Mental Health Expertise

VIARC is enhancing the quality of life through comprehensive primary mental health care.

We are committed to supporting clients of all ages through life’s challenges, offering tailored services to empower well-being, whether it’s for anxiety, depression, trauma, or other mental health concerns. 

The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James
The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James

Restoring Mental Health Equilibrium

Our Counseling Services

The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James

Mental Health

We prioritize health promotion by identifying risks, offering education and counseling for healthy lifestyles, and managing acute and persistent mental health issues through collaboration and referrals for effective care.

The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James

Faith Based

Specializing in faith-based trauma recovery, we address emotional, social, and physical health concerns across all stages of life to support well-being for individuals, families, groups, and organizations.

The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James


We focus on the emotional situations in individuals' lives through mental health counseling, assessing current challenges, collaborating, and advising on the best course of action for their well-being.

The Virgin Islands Agency for Restorative Care with Dr. Gail K. James

Board Certified

Board-certified to gather health data, interpret tests, identify issues, and create comprehensive plans for promoting, maintaining, and restoring health with clients.

Our Goal is that You Live Well

Helping People Heal

We aid individuals in enhancing their overall well-being, alleviating distress, and resolving crises associated with physical, emotional, and mental health challenges.

We provide counseling and therapy in the following areas: 

Comprehensive Tailored Support

A Holistic Approach

Structured and supportive holistic mental health coaching offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking comprehensive well-being.

By integrating various modalities and focusing on specific aspects of mental wellness, this approach ensures a thorough and effective journey towards improved mental health.

What Our Process looks like

Coaching Support Structure

Coaching Focus Areas